Monday, September 22, 2008

Transforming technology

I would like to see technology transformed to promote greater liberty and freedom. Currently, crop engineering is making more sterile farm crops, which will make people, even farmers, dependent on the government for food. However, this technology has yet to eliminate starvation. Surveillence technology makes it so that honest citizens cannot secure privacy or move freely. However, this tecnology has not brought Bin Laden to justice or numerous other criminals.

Democracy has the connotation of control by the masses. Democracy has the definition of control by the majority. Unfortunately, the masses and the majority are not the same (think majoirty of wealth and power). Technological invention through democracy will hopefully lead to the technological invention of democracy. A democracy where government intrusion is minimized in the lives of individuals.

I would also like to see people move in a direction and guide technology in a direction that unifies people socially. More social cohesion and less government collusion. People must take the lead and technology can play a part.

1 comment:

Professor Roger said...

Some intriguing ideas here. You touch on quite a wide range of subjects